Knowledge sharing in real time

We increase productivity and eliminate errors. Industrial sectors, service or maintenance and repair service wherever expertise and specialists are needed.

Proper AR implementation brings solutions

The labour market situation today is identical across all industries. There is a shortage of skilled workers, not enough time for follow-up training and with the arrival of new technologies and the push for automation, robotics and the introduction of artificial intelligence, the most basic needs are being forgotten. A functional work environment and support for the workers themselves, the mechanics, training new apprentices and paying their trainers. Augmentor solves all this.
100% progress monitoring

Putting into practice

The implementation of modern technologies is essential for competitiveness and continued survival today. Our technology combines the existing familiar model of delegation of work activities, hand in hand with modern communication technology for remote access. The actual implementation of Augmentor technology and work schemes is therefore a natural and simple process, which is understood and then actively used even by less technologically active users.
Companies using Augmented Reality
Production and maintance | Logistics | Construction | Power engineering | Automotive

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